Wednesday, December 15, 2010

He still the same God

when i was a kid, I learned that religion was something that (supposed to) puts us together. religion could make all the differences disappear because we are actually the same.
when I grow up, i found out that religion can also be the main reason and factor to separate one from another. the thing gets worse when there is a woman/man falls in love with another woman/man who believes in a different religion. The parents will usually get mad and ask them not to see each other anymore. as a son/daughter, they will feel like they have to choose between their parents and their loved one. they cant have them both.
Because of this thing, many couples prefer to runaway from their family, move to another city or even another country to stay together with their boy/girlfriend (and soon become wife/husband).
in some cases, the parents' heart will melt away as soon as the couples have a son/daughter but there are also many cases where the parents still cant accept their son/daughter even though their son/daughter is already have children.

do the parents know that their rejection is killing their son/daughter?

some parents use the word "protection" and "love" for their reason. but hey, for God's sake, we are grown ups. let us solve our problems in our own way. thanks for giving us the lesson of life and it is the time we apply what we learn.

why is it so hard for you to accept the differences?
even though we call Him with different names and praise Him with different ways but He is still the same God.

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